Welcome to the WPwatercooler "Slack"

This space used to belong to the WPwatercooler podcast. That show is over now, but the community of lovely folks that sprung up around WPwatercooler wanted to keep our Discord going to stay in touch and keep talking about WordPress.

We understand that you might be reluctant to join a community for a dead podcast (and YouTube show) that discussed the ins and outs of WordPress. What do folks even talk about now that WPwatercooler is over?

Honestly, we chat about all the stuff that we used to talk about on the show — the goings on around the wider WP community, hot topics, WP workers (developers, implementers, writers, etc.) helping one another through issues — just with a much wider group of folks than our usual show panel of Sé, Jason, and Jason.

If this sounds like something that you might want to be a part of, press that shiny lil button below and come hang out.

Join Our Discord

What is Discord?

Discord is an easy way to talk over voice, video, and text. It came to popularity being used primarily by gamers — but plenty of other communities, like ours, use it too.

Wait… Discord?! Isn't this the WPwatercooler Slack?

Heh. After restricting a certian member of the WP community — who has a history of harassing one of our members — they publicly complained about being kicked out of our Slack. Which was funny (to us) because this has always been a Discord server.

Anyway, we decided to lean into it. 😅

Who run this Discord?

Former WPwatercooler hosts Sé Reed, Jason Cosper, and Jason Tucker attempt to manage and moderate the Discord server. They hang out and chat, too.

Why not Slack tho?

We chose Discord over Slack because some people associate Slack with work. Discord is a bit more relaxed and ideal for conversations in your off time.

How do I join?

Uhhhh... There's a button up near the top of the page. Push that.

After joining, read the #🪧➰welcome and #🙊➰rules channels. If you can get down with what we're asking of you as a potential community member, head to the #✅➰verification channel and get verified by clicking the ✅ emoji. Finally, introduce yourself in the #🪪➰introductions channel.

Is there an app for Discord?

Yes! Discord offers desktop and mobile apps for all major devices.

What if I decide that this Discord community isn't for me?

NBD! After a few months of inactivity, you'll be set to AFK by one of the bots that we use to manage the Discord. After a little while longer — if you continue to remain inactive — you'll be removed from the community.

Don't worry tho! If you've gone inactive and have been removed from the server by one of our bots, you're welcome to come back at any time.